понедельник, 3 июня 2013 г.

Свами наставляет студента, как правильно петь бхаджан

25 сентября 1993 г.

 (During the evening bhajan session conducted by the Sai Students in the Sai Ramesh 
Hall, Brindavan, one of the bhajans P.Radhesh sang was "Raghupate Raghava Raja 
Rama".Later that evening as Swami received the Sai Students in His residence, He called upon 
brother Radhesh and asked him to sing Raghupate Raghava again while He attentively 
listened, and made a correction...Despite this, it is STILL being incorrectly sung across the world today!)
Sai Snippets: Raghupate Raghava - P.Radhesh [Sept 25th, 1993]

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