воскресенье, 11 декабря 2016 г.

Наша дорогая Филис Кристал соединилась с нашим любимым Свами

Дорогие братья и сестры! Наша дорогая Филис Кристал, которую вы все слышали, соединилась с нашим любимым Свами сегодня утром в 5 утра. Она скончалась мирно во сне у себя дома. Она была в возрасте 102.
Давайте помолимся и нежно помянем ее с любовью и благодарностью.

Вчера, 10 декабря 2016, в 5-м часу утра, на 103-м году жизни скончалась Филлис Кристал. Она ушла мирно во сне дома. Её душа обрела вечный покой в об'ятиях Господа. Света её душе!

здесь говорится, что Филлис Кристал ушла в очень благоприятное время, что именно в этот день более 5000 лет назад Господь Кришна раскрыл Бхагавад Гиту Арджуне на поле битвы Махабхараты, Курукшетре ..
согласно индуистскому календарю, суббота, 10 декабря 2016 был 11-й день Шукла Пакш (Яркая половина) месяца Margshirsh, который празднуется, вот, как Гита Джаянти

Месяц Margshirsh считается месяцем Господа Шри Вишну, и считается, что это счастье быть благословенным Слиянием с Господом в месяце Margshirsh

Mrs. Phyllis Krystal,
a long time devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
has merged into Him,
at the age of 102 years and 7 months (1231 months in all).
Loving Sairam to all…!
A long time devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Mrs. Phyllis Krystal, peacefully merged in the sleep, with Beloved Bhagavan, in the morning hours, on Saturday, 10 December 2016 in UK.
She was aged 102 years and exactly 7 months (1231 months in all) at the time of Divine Merger. Just two and half years back, she had completed 100 years in this human life and the devotees all over the world had rejoiced her achievement.
What an auspicious day to merge into Swami…!
As per Hindu calendar, Saturday, 10 December 2016 is 11th day of Shukla Paksh (Bright half) of the month of Margshirsh, which is celebrated as Geeta Jayanti.
The month of Margshirsh is believed to be the month of Lord Sri Vishnu and it is believed that it is fortunate to be blessed with the Divine Merger in the month of Margshirsh.
It is on this day, Bhagavan Sri Krushna had revealed Srimad Bhagavad Geeta to Arjun in the battlefield of Mahabharat at Kurukshetra, more than 5000 years ago. Since then, the Srimad Bhagavad Geeta has become the beacon light for the entire universe.
There is no doubt that Mrs. Phyllis Krystal is happy resting on the lap of Swami and enjoying His Infinite Association.
She was a great soul and let all of us pray to Swami, from the deepest bottoms of our hearts to grant her soul Universal Peace…!
With regards,
Sudhir Joshi
A few words about Mrs. Phyllis Krystal
Phyllis Krystal was born in London, England on 11 May 1914. She graduated from Bishop Otter College in Chichester and taught at the high school level for three years before moving to the United States. There, she had married Sidney Krystal, a prominent Los Angeles attorney.
In 2004, at the age of 91, she moved to Munich, Germany and at the age of 95 moved again to Zurich in Switzerland.
In the late 1950s, Mrs. Krystal and a close friend embarked on an experiment to make regular contact with an inner source of wisdom, which they eventually called the Hi C for Higher Consciousness. Since then, by consulting the Hi C, a visualisation method involving the use of symbols has evolved. These techniques can be used to help those who wish to release from attachment to - or reliance on - any outer security or control, thereby freeing the individual to seek help and guidance from the Hi C rather then from these outer sources.
For a number of years, Mrs. Krystal had given seminars in numerous countries - primarily in Europe - to share the method. In addition, she has offered individual sessions to outline a program for achieving more personal freedom.
As word of this method spread, Mrs. Krystal received numerous requests to put it down in writing so the techniques could continue to help others, if and when she is no longer available.
Her first book, Cutting the Ties that bind, was published in 1982, followed in 1990 by Cutting More Ties that Bind. A workbook to accompany these two books was also published.
Her other books are:
Sai Baba, The Ultimate Experience,
an account of her experiences with the Indian Master Sri Sathya Sai Baba;
Taming the Monkey Mind;
Re-Connecting the Love Energy
Cutting the Ties of Karma.
In addition two other titles viz. Let’s Thank God and Ceiling on Desires have been published in India.
These books have been translated into many languages, thereby enabling the method to be shared with even more people worldwide.
Mrs. Krystal used to stresses that this is not a “quick fix“ method. Each person must be willing to practice the appropriate exercises, rather than expecting someone else to create a panacea to eliminate all their problems. Help is possible only if each person is willing to concentrate on bringing about the necessary changes and growth in him - or herself, instead of trying in vain to change someone else.
Uploaded here:
Video Interview of Mrs. Phyllis Krystal
recorded by Radio Sai Global Harmony, Prashanti Nilayam
on 18 August 2013, when she was 99.

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