Bombay Srinivasan
Story Behind this Photo 67: Swami talks of Guru’s Grace.
In this photo, we see the photograph of my Guruji, Dhyani Maharaj Sri Mahdusudhan Dasji. We are all fortunate who had come across such great saint. We will realize that His mere look is enough to shower His entire grace on us. His sentences are powerful, filled with energy to remove one’s fears and doubts. A real realized Guru, speaks very little. The words would be most precious, golden, and which we would have ever heard.
I am grateful to my revered Guru, who had initiated me, some 45 years ago, into Sidha Yoga, also called the Kundalini yoga. In fact it was our revered Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who mysteriously sent me to Him. There were many circumstances when I would have been taken away from Guruji, but no matter, Guruji never let me go. He always kept me with Him. Guruji has always been the sculptor of my life, and I am meant for Him and His work. He has given so much to me. We could ever repay the debt to the Guru.
In one of the visions, Bhagavan Baba explained to me about “Guru Thathwa”. Swami says that there are several channels through which God’s grace is diverted to the deserving sadhaks. God may be pleased to bestow boons directly to devotees, depending upon their intensity of devotion. Sometimes, the benefits would be reached to them in mystic ways, through some unknown persons, or through some upasaks. These benefits are only on the physical and mundane levels. Swami asserts that the benefit of spiritual uplift can only be bestowed through the channel of a Sidha Guru’s grace. When the Guru takes compassion and blesses a sadhaks (sishya), the Ishta Devatha of that Sadhak, wills that the blessing of Guruji comes into force. This channel, from God to Sadhak through Guruji works wonders. When Lord decides to bless somebody, the fruitation of the grace is subject to the karmic theory etc. But, when Guruji blesses, it becomes the duty of God to reinforce that grace, irrespective of Karmic effects. The compassion of Gurudev is unparalleled.
With Love & Regards.
Mumbai Srinivasan
In this photo, we see the photograph of my Guruji, Dhyani Maharaj Sri Mahdusudhan Dasji. We are all fortunate who had come across such great saint. We will realize that His mere look is enough to shower His entire grace on us. His sentences are powerful, filled with energy to remove one’s fears and doubts. A real realized Guru, speaks very little. The words would be most precious, golden, and which we would have ever heard.
I am grateful to my revered Guru, who had initiated me, some 45 years ago, into Sidha Yoga, also called the Kundalini yoga. In fact it was our revered Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who mysteriously sent me to Him. There were many circumstances when I would have been taken away from Guruji, but no matter, Guruji never let me go. He always kept me with Him. Guruji has always been the sculptor of my life, and I am meant for Him and His work. He has given so much to me. We could ever repay the debt to the Guru.
In one of the visions, Bhagavan Baba explained to me about “Guru Thathwa”. Swami says that there are several channels through which God’s grace is diverted to the deserving sadhaks. God may be pleased to bestow boons directly to devotees, depending upon their intensity of devotion. Sometimes, the benefits would be reached to them in mystic ways, through some unknown persons, or through some upasaks. These benefits are only on the physical and mundane levels. Swami asserts that the benefit of spiritual uplift can only be bestowed through the channel of a Sidha Guru’s grace. When the Guru takes compassion and blesses a sadhaks (sishya), the Ishta Devatha of that Sadhak, wills that the blessing of Guruji comes into force. This channel, from God to Sadhak through Guruji works wonders. When Lord decides to bless somebody, the fruitation of the grace is subject to the karmic theory etc. But, when Guruji blesses, it becomes the duty of God to reinforce that grace, irrespective of Karmic effects. The compassion of Gurudev is unparalleled.
With Love & Regards.
Mumbai Srinivasan
На этой фотографии вы видите фотографию моего любимого Гуруджи Дхъяни Махараджа Шри Мадхусудхан Дасджи. Мы действительно имеем счастливую судьбу, если встречаем на пути такого великого Святого. Мы понимаем, что даже одного его взгляда на нас достаточно, чтобы излить на нас свою благодать. Его наставления наполнены такой энергией, что она стирает все страхи и сомнения. Настоящий освобожденный Гуру говорит очень мало. Все его слова на вес золота, все что вы можете услышать от него бесценно.
Я безмерное благодарен своему уважаемому гуру, который посвятил меня в Йога - Сиддхи, которая также называется Кундалини йога - вот уже 45 лет назад. На самом деле это, конечно же, был Сам Бхагаван Шри Сатья Саи Баба, который таинственно послал меня к нему. Было очень много обстоятельств, которые отводили меня от Гуруджи, но Баба не отпускал меня от моего Гуру, который являлся настоящим скульптором моей жизни. И я и был его работой, он так много дал мне! Никогда в жизни мы не можем вернуть долг своему Гуруджи.
В одном из моих видений Бхагаван Баба объяснил мне Гуру-татву. Баба сказал мне, что существует несколько каналов, по которым Божья благодать отводится достойным садхакам. Богу может быть приятно отдавать благодать непосредственно подвижникам, в зависимости от интенсивности их преданности. Иногда садхак может достигнуть преимуществ мистического пути через каких то неизвестных ему лиц или упасаков. Эти преимущества могут быть дарованы не только на физическом уровне, но и в светской жизни. Свами утверждает что благо духовного возвышения может быть даровано только Милостью гуру через канал Сиддхи. Когда гуру проявляет сострадание и благословляет садхаков (шишья), Ишта Девата этого садхака заверяет, что благословение Гуру вступает в силу. Это канал Садхака от Бога через Гуру, который позволяет творить чудеса. Когда Господь решает благословить кого либо, прохождение милости к субъекту есть результат кармической теории и так далее. Но когда Гуру благословляет, то он сам становится на службе у Бога, чтобы закрепить эту Благодать, независимо от кармических последствий. Сострадание Гурудева не имеет себе равных.
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