вторник, 7 августа 2018 г.

Быть старым - это состояние души.


Professor, Dept. of Physics, SSSIHL.

As I enter the 90th year of my human sojourn, I cannot help but look back at the full life that I have lived. My background in Nuclear Physics has served me well and it enabled me to excel to the upper echelons of the field. I got my M.Sc. (Hons.) at Panjab University in 1952 and my Ph.D. at Florida State University (USA) in 1958. Since then, my professional journey has taken me to some of the best places across the world, such as Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), University of Alberta, UCLA, National Academy of Sciences (India), etc.

For over forty years, while keeping base in India, my professional journey has taken me to interact in person with academicians / Nuclear Scientists in reputed universities as well as Atomic Energy centres across the globe including the US, Canada, UK, all over Europe, Russia, Japan, etc. and nearer to home to Pakistan and Nepal.

It was a glorious and exciting journey, but perhaps the saying, ‘save the best for last’ applies best to me as I came into the Divine orbit of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the mid-nineties, when I was well into my sixties. My wife and I came to visit my sister-in-law, a resident of Prasanthi Nilayam in 1996, and then onwards our lives changed.

The most beautiful part of my journey with Swami is the manner in which He brought me closer to Him. From the first time when He said, When did you come, Sir?, just like a long lost friend, to the slow and beautiful integration of our life with Him in Prasanthi Nilayam, he knew my open-minded approach to God.

During this period, I had an inner calling which told me to stop travelling and curtail my professional commitments. Then, towards the end of 1998 came the Divine summons, “Come and serve in our Institute. Make Prasanthi Nilayam your home.” Since then, I have been an unlisted (though ordained) SSSIHL faculty member at the Department of Physics, which I continue to even today.

Swami has been our God and friend always! He cured my wife’s serious heart condition by asking us to do abhishekam to a Shiva lingam (and stop all medicines in the process), much to the disbelief to all her doctors. He listened to all our prayers. For example, my wife always told Him, I don’t want your materialisations, but instead give me faith!

And like a loving Master, Swami always answered our prayers. He gave us everything we needed without ever asking. I have been in Prasanthi Nilayam for twenty years now and He always made sure that I belonged!

The only offering that He wants is our pure Love. And over time, I learnt that with total surrender comes total acceptance (of Him). Hence I tell youngsters: take things as they come your way. The purity of your motives is important. Failure is an achievement because it is a stepping stone to detachment. Treat your duty as worship and you will have no regrets in life.

Many people ask me when I will retire. I always say that, “I am not tired, how can you make me retired?” Age is only a number. Being old is a state of mind.

The parting thought from my experience is this: Swami has repeatedly assured us that He will not desert us and shall always take care of us. Today, even when He is not physically here, He is very much with us and keeping His word to us.


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