А много ли на данный момент у Свами родственников (племянников, внуков и т.д.)? и чем они занимаются, имеют ли какие-то "привилегии", или вернее... ну не знаю как сказать... В общем знает ли кто-нибудь об этом?
интересная фотография попалась - кусочек родового дерева семейства Раджу..
так сказать "старший эшелон"... - об их детях мало что знаю...
может, кто-то дополнит??
Сестра Свами и мать Шри Ратнакара, который ныне является Председателем Траста Шри Сатья Саи Бабы
мисс Менакшамма покинула тело и соединилась с лотосными стопами Свами
около 22 часов 16 декабря 2018. Ей было около 75 лет.
мисс Менакшамма покинула тело и соединилась с лотосными стопами Свами
около 22 часов 16 декабря 2018. Ей было около 75 лет.

Puttaparthi woke up with this sad news of Smt. Meenakshamma merging in Swami after having a cardiac arrest around 10 pm on Dec 16th,. 2018. thus bringing curtains down to an absolutely blessed life that played a key role in the mission of Sri Sathya Sai. She was around 75.
Meenakshamma was the wife of Swami's younger brother, late Sri. Janakiramayya Garu.
Meenakshamma was the wife of Swami's younger brother, late Sri. Janakiramayya Garu.
The whole village loved her and respected her for the kind hearted nature of hers which promptly responded for the needy in particular.
Very few would know that for decades she prepared food for Swami. She was there for every occasion, every day in Sai Kulwant Hall till her last day of her physical sojourn.
Puttaparthi will remember this beautiful soul for her unsullied love for Swami and how she used to yearn for Swami's return to Parthi when He was away to places like Brindavan, Kodaikanal etc.
Puttaparthi will remember this beautiful soul for her unsullied love for Swami and how she used to yearn for Swami's return to Parthi when He was away to places like Brindavan, Kodaikanal etc.
Like a typical sister-in-law she was highly protective of Swami.
It is a rare blessing to be born in the clan of an Avatar which is bestowed and hand-picked by Gods to the noble souls of Vaikunta. Amma returned back to Vaikunta after successfully completing her role on earth. Om Shanti to this blessed Atma
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