Вот такие хорошие новости - впервые в Европе будет проводиться АТИ РУДРА МАХА ЯДЖНА. Это знаменательное событие.
The first Ati Rudra Maha Yajna in Europe
ATI RUDRA MAHA YAGNA, Zagreb, Croatia, 17.- 27. July 2018
Ati Rudra Maha Yajna (ARMY) is considered as highest spiritual offering described in Vedas. This auspicious 11 day offering of Service (Work), Adoration (Worship) and Illumination (Wisdom) is going to be organized by the devotees of the Veda from <3 all over the Europe & world <3 and for the first time in history of humanity - at European continent!
As a crown jewel of Veda Union endeavour, and with the blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,
2018 is a key milestone in our spiritual journey across the European region.
The first Ati Rudra Maha Yajna in Europe is going to happen from 17th to 27th of July 2018 in Krnjak (Karlovac County), near Zagreb, Croatia.
Rudram is a supreme hymn of peace and is the center of the entire Vedas. It is the source from which all the forces arise. When we are connected to source, we shall be at the Center of Universal Awareness, the changeless in the changing. With the current human agony, loss of life, fear, and the separation of countries and families from each other in and around Europe, we must come together to pray and stay together spiritually. This is the intent of this Yajna and we call upon all the devotees across the world, specially from the greater European Union (including Russia and United Kingdom), to join us on this sublime divine call.
The Yajna will be officiated by a well know Vedic scholar and a teacher, Professor B. S. Nanjunda Dixit (Bangalore, India), who has conducted two Ati Rudra Maha Yajnas in the divine physical presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Spiritual practice (sadhana)
All registered are kindly requested to adhere to the following daily spiritual practice (sadhana) from 18th of March to 16th of July:
Dedicate 30 min for DAILY PRAYERS(see below) without multitasking with other activities such as driving, daily chores, etc. Adhere to a specific time and place as much as possible.
Practice ceiling on desires minimizing sensual distractions and conserving food, money, time, energy, and utmost reverence to the 5 elements of nature.
Absolutely No Alcohol, No Meat, No Eggs, and No Smoking.
Observe spiritual silence to the extent possible.
Daily Prayers (recommended format):
3 OMs, Ganapati Prarthana (Gananam Tva),
3 Gayatri, Sri Rudram, Durga Suktam,
3 Sai Gayatri, Kshama prarthana.
Sadhana Mantras
where to stay
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