Bombay Srinivasan
Story behind the photo – 125 : Sai Baba gives me Out of body Experience .
It was a Guru Poornima day. It was a very significant day for me in a spiritual way. Some years ago, on this Vyasa Pooja day, I was sitting in Padmaasana, and waspreparing for my regular meditation. I have been taught about the spiritual process by our Guruji, Dhyani Mharaj Madhusudhan Dasji. As usual I could feel the vibrations in the form of some tinkling at the bottom of my spine, which is called “Mooladhara Chakra”. I do not wish to go into the technicalities of Yoga lessons.
The tinkling started moving up. This was a regular phenomenon for me. It indicates the ascending of “Kundalini” upwards. When the kundalini rises to the level of our heart, I used to loose my body-consciousness. There could be no time sense. The blissful feelings which it is impossible to put in words, seems to have lasted a few seconds. But when we come back, it would have been more than an hour or so.
But on this particular day, the kundalini seemed to rise further and further. There was feeling of immense joy and pleasure as if intoxicated, as if some thing pleasantly cool, pouring over my head. The ecstatic moments sped fast. Then I felt I was climbing up a small vertical tunnel, and found it extremely painful to get out of it. Struggling as I was, I cried out to my Gurudev to save me. I could feel that I was able get out. It was at that point I could hear a sweet vice, calling out:
“Hey, do not worry. You are not alone. I am here with you. Bangaru, hold my hands, and come out”.
As I clasped into the hands, I looked up. I saw Bhagavan Baba smiling at me! Swami pulled me out, and I felt very much relieved.
Baba, ever charming and smiling, pointed His hands downward, and said, “See there!” Far below, I could see my own body still sitting in the Padmaasana. The head leaning down, and cheek stuck firmly stuck on the chest, and without showing any signs of life in it. For a second, I was frightened, and looked up to Swami. Still bestowing the charming smile, Swami uttered, “Don’t worry. I shall make you realize in a little while.”
I did not know whether I am still having a body or not. I was not bothered. I felt confident in the company of our Lord. Outside, it looked hundred times brighter than the sunrays, and yet a pleasant cooling effect. It was so bright and yet suitable for full viewing. Multi coloured lights and rays adored the horizon.
“Come my dear one, I shall take you around! Hold on to Me”. So saying Swami swung into moving. It was not walking but just floating. And floating at a terrific speed! We were moving through various terrains, mountains, green meadows and across large oceans. In one of the Hills, swami pointed to me several saints sitting in the same posture like me. Some of the saints, I could recognize. They were the ones whom I had the fortune of having darshan on the first day, when I was initiated by my Guruji.
Swami then clarified many of my doubts.
My first query, “Swami is this the real death?”. Swami: “Not really. But, the out of body experience, is same on both levels. You might have by now realized that you were separate, and your body is separate. The body is only a vessel for the soul for traversing. In the event of death, once you had to quit the body, there is no way of going back. Your samskarams and karma, form the core of your identity, which is called sooshma sareeram. Based on your karma and vaasana, your sooshma sareeram searches for a body, and the god guides you to such a location. All your karmic fruits and vaasanas are inborn there and make the start all over again.
A successful saint who had been liberated from all karmic bonds, joins the Lord, after quitting the body. The duality of Body and self can still be experienced by you. There in the lower level, you had the body consciousness and then the soul which now stands out of your body, and is with me. Here again the duality. You & Me.!! When you are truly liberated, the feeling of you and me, also vanishes, and the merger takes place. After the merger there is no more dual feeling and no more birth. I shall gradually explain to you the intricacies of the movements of the soul, which you cannot fully, understand at this juncture. You are really very ripe for the next stage of evolution……”
With Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan.
The tinkling started moving up. This was a regular phenomenon for me. It indicates the ascending of “Kundalini” upwards. When the kundalini rises to the level of our heart, I used to loose my body-consciousness. There could be no time sense. The blissful feelings which it is impossible to put in words, seems to have lasted a few seconds. But when we come back, it would have been more than an hour or so.
But on this particular day, the kundalini seemed to rise further and further. There was feeling of immense joy and pleasure as if intoxicated, as if some thing pleasantly cool, pouring over my head. The ecstatic moments sped fast. Then I felt I was climbing up a small vertical tunnel, and found it extremely painful to get out of it. Struggling as I was, I cried out to my Gurudev to save me. I could feel that I was able get out. It was at that point I could hear a sweet vice, calling out:
“Hey, do not worry. You are not alone. I am here with you. Bangaru, hold my hands, and come out”.
As I clasped into the hands, I looked up. I saw Bhagavan Baba smiling at me! Swami pulled me out, and I felt very much relieved.
Baba, ever charming and smiling, pointed His hands downward, and said, “See there!” Far below, I could see my own body still sitting in the Padmaasana. The head leaning down, and cheek stuck firmly stuck on the chest, and without showing any signs of life in it. For a second, I was frightened, and looked up to Swami. Still bestowing the charming smile, Swami uttered, “Don’t worry. I shall make you realize in a little while.”
I did not know whether I am still having a body or not. I was not bothered. I felt confident in the company of our Lord. Outside, it looked hundred times brighter than the sunrays, and yet a pleasant cooling effect. It was so bright and yet suitable for full viewing. Multi coloured lights and rays adored the horizon.
“Come my dear one, I shall take you around! Hold on to Me”. So saying Swami swung into moving. It was not walking but just floating. And floating at a terrific speed! We were moving through various terrains, mountains, green meadows and across large oceans. In one of the Hills, swami pointed to me several saints sitting in the same posture like me. Some of the saints, I could recognize. They were the ones whom I had the fortune of having darshan on the first day, when I was initiated by my Guruji.
Swami then clarified many of my doubts.
My first query, “Swami is this the real death?”. Swami: “Not really. But, the out of body experience, is same on both levels. You might have by now realized that you were separate, and your body is separate. The body is only a vessel for the soul for traversing. In the event of death, once you had to quit the body, there is no way of going back. Your samskarams and karma, form the core of your identity, which is called sooshma sareeram. Based on your karma and vaasana, your sooshma sareeram searches for a body, and the god guides you to such a location. All your karmic fruits and vaasanas are inborn there and make the start all over again.
A successful saint who had been liberated from all karmic bonds, joins the Lord, after quitting the body. The duality of Body and self can still be experienced by you. There in the lower level, you had the body consciousness and then the soul which now stands out of your body, and is with me. Here again the duality. You & Me.!! When you are truly liberated, the feeling of you and me, also vanishes, and the merger takes place. After the merger there is no more dual feeling and no more birth. I shall gradually explain to you the intricacies of the movements of the soul, which you cannot fully, understand at this juncture. You are really very ripe for the next stage of evolution……”
With Love & Regards, Mumbai Srinivasan.
История Фотографии 125 Саи Баба дает мне внетелесный опыт.
Это было в День Гуру Пурнима, который был для меня очень важным днем в Духовном смысле. Несколько лет назад в этот день посвященный Вьяса Пудже я сидел в Падмасане и был погружен в свою регулярную медитацию. В моем духовном прогрессе меня направлял мой Гуруджи Дхьяни Мхарадж Мадхусудхан Дасджи. Как обычно во время духовной практики я почувствовал тонкую вибрацию в виде легкого звона в нижней части своего позвоночника, которая называется Муладхара Чакра - но я не хочу вдаваться во все подробности моей йоги.
Этот звон стал подниматься по позвоночнику. И это было привычным феноменом для меня, так как указывало на поднятие Кундалини вверх. Когда энергия Кундалини поднимается до уровня сердца я использую эту энергию, чтобы осуществить выход сознания из тела. В этот момент теряется чувство времени, наступает блаженный покой, который невозможно выразить никакими словами, все это длиться несколько мгновений. Но когда вы возвращаетесь в тело, оказывается, что прошло намного больше времени, иногда около часа.
Но в тот особенный день в моей медитации Кундалини росла дальше и дальше, наполняя меня все большей и большей радостью и удовольствием как при состоянии опьянения. Как будто какая-то прохлада лилась на мою голову. Экстатические переживания неслись очень быстро и вдруг я почувствовал вертикальный туннель над собой и понял, что выбраться из него крайне болезненно для меня. Борясь изо всех сил я закричал: "Гурудев, спаси меня!" я чувствовал, что не в состоянии самостоятельно выбраться из туннеля. В этот момент я услышал невыразимо сладкий Голос: "Эй, не волнуйся, ты не один здесь, Бангару. Держи Меня за руку и выбирайся!"
Когда я крепко схватил Его за руку я посмотрел наверх и увидел Бхагавана Бабу, который лучезарно улыбался мне. Он вытащил меня оттуда и я наконец почувствовал огромное облегчение. Баба, обаятельно улыбаясь опустил руку и сказал мне: "Смотри туда!" и я далеко внизу увидел свое тело, сидящее в Падмасане, позе лотоса. Голова была склоненной, безвольно висела, опираясь щеками о грудь и без всяких признаков жизни. Я перепугался и поднял глаза на Бхагавана, а Баба со Своей обезоруживающей улыбкой успокоил меня: "Не бойся, Я должен был заставить тебя осознать себя на мгновение".
Я не знал буду ли я иметь тело или нет, но я почувствовал себя уверенно в компании нашего Господа. Он был в сто раз ярче, чем лучи солнца, но имел приятный охлаждающий эффект, там все было таким ярким и многоцветным, что невозможно было охватить эту переливающуюся гамму цветов до самого горизонта.
"Идем мой дорогой, Я отведу тебя, держись за Меня!" Свами начал двигаться, но Он не шел! Он как бы плыл с потрясающей скоростью. Мы продвигались через различные местности, горы, необъятные океаны,зеленые равнины, луга, на нескольких холмах Баба указал мне на святых, которых я сразу узнал. это они мне дали первый даршан когда я был инициирован своим Гуруджи.
Тогда Свами прояснил многие мои сомнения. Мой первый вопрос был: "Свами это настоящая смерть?" "Нет не настоящая, но это твой внетелесный опыт, чтобы ты узнал о разных уровнях. Твое тело - отдельно, а сознание отдельно. Тело это всего лишь сосуд для души, чтобы пересечь океан самсары. В момент смерти, когда душа покидает тело, нет никакого способа вернуться обратно. Ваши самскары и карма образуют ядро личности которое называется Сукшма Шарирам. Основываясь на вашей карме и васане, ваша Сукшма Шарирам ищет тело и Бог направляет ее в подходящее место. Все ваши кармические плоды и васаны зарождаются заново и все опять начинается вновь. Преуспевший в духовности святой будет освобожден от всех кармических связей и достигнет Господа после выхода из тела. Двойственность тела и сознания по прежнему будет испытывать вас. Там, на нижнем уровне вы имели тело и сознание, и когда твоя душа вышла из тела - она оказалась здесь со Мной. Здесь опять двойственность ты и Я! Когда ты полностью освободишься, разделение ты и Я исчезнет и ты достигнешь слияния со Мной. После освобождения нет более разделения и нет больше рождения. Я буду постепенно объяснять тебе тонкости душевных продвижений, которые ты не можешь пока понять на данном этапе. Но ты действительно вполне созрел для следующего этапа эволюции...."
С Любовью и Поклонами Мумбай Шринивасан
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