вторник, 20 мая 2014 г.

С днем рождения Филлис Кристалл!

Who is Sai baba? He is LOVE walking on two legs said Phyllis Krystal....in Her opening sentence...i read ...sairam..
I was blessed and honored to meet Phyllis Krystal in person a few years ago here in New York City...
-Simo Rusu-
Even as a centenarian, Phyllis lives alone in Switzerland, cooks her own meals, and responds to hundreds of phone calls, emails, and faxes from people seeking her help from all corners of the globe
Phyllis Krystal is a shining exemplar of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings and has dedicated her life to spreading Swami’s message and love across the world. Her work has uplifted people in many countries and helped thousands connect with their innate divinity. Her own lifestyle reflects her values and her deep commitment to Swami. She travels around the world independently, and during her visits, she works from morning to night, giving workshops, talks, and helping people. When asked about her 'secret' for her high energy, deep wisdom, and timeless countenance, she replies, "It's very simple. I constantly ask Swami “What do you want me to do now”? She is a living example of an active, true instrument of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Phyllis Krystal was born in London, England on May 11, 1914, and completed her education and moved to California in 1937. She married Sydney Krystal, a lawyer, who was one of the first trustees of the Sathya Sai Society of America. Mrs. Krystal is a member of the Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of the USA. A spiritual seeker all her life, Phyllis Krystal and her husband first visited Bhagawan over 40 years ago. During one of her early visits, Swami urged her to write a book and materialized a pen for her, saying that “the book was in the pen”. Under Divine guidance, she then wrote the book on “Ceiling on Desires”, which is a practical study-guide for Sathya Sai devotees worldwide. Two other books worth mentioning which inspired many devotees are “Cutting the Ties that Bind” and “Sai Baba—The Ultimate Experience”.

At Bhagawan’s urging and under His supervision, Mrs. Krystal started speaking to the public and holding seminars to help them connect with their inner divinity. Swami has told her on many occasions to speak to the youth, and she looks forward to meeting as many youth as possible. Since 1995, as part of the Young Adult National Executive Committee, USA, Phyllis Krystal has actively advised, supported, and guided the young adult leaders, as well as helped shape the young adult program. In 2007, she attended the 3rd World Youth Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam, and at the behest of Bhagawan addressed and inspired 6,000 youth assembled at the Sai Kulwant Hall.

On her centennial birthday, please join me in wishing Mrs. Phyllis Krystal a healthy and divine life and may she continue to inspire devotees by her exemplary life of loving service to our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Jai Sai Ram.
Lovingly in service of Sai,
Dr. Narendranath Reddy
Chairman, Prasanthi Council

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