пятница, 4 августа 2017 г.

Благословение с Аруначалы

Благословения с Аруначалы. В Тируванамалаи проходит Ати Рудра Маха Ягья под эгидой Бхагаван Ширди и Сатья Саи Бабы, главный брамин Нанджунда Диксит, на Лингам Саи был предложен редкий лист Священного дерева Бильвы с девятью листиками, обычно встречаются веточки с тремя, пятью и редко семью листками

Blessings from Arunachala.
Tiruvannamalai is the home of a big temple for Lord Shiva built around 700 A.D, rich in history, tradition and architectural splendor. It is one of the Pancha Bhoota Stalangal of Lord Shiva (one of the five grand temples associated with the five basic elements) associated with the element Fire, the other four being Tiruvanaikkaval (Water), Chidambaram (Space), Kanchipuram (Earth) and Sri Kalahasti (Wind) respectively. Shiva is said to have manifested himself in the form of a massive column of fire, whose crown and feet, Bramma and Vishnu attempted in vain to reach. It is dedicated to Arunachaleswarar (God Shiva, venerated as Agni Lingam (Lingam of Fire) and his divine consort is Unnamalai Amman.

Тируваннамалай - это дом большого храма лорда Шивы, построенный около 700 года, богатая история, традиции и архитектурных великолепие отличают этот грандиозный Храм. Это один из панча Бхута Сталангал лорда Шива (один из пяти грандиозных Храмов, связанных с пятью основными элементами),  с элементом огня, а остальные четыре - tiruvanaikkaval (вода), чидамбарам (космос), канчипурам (Земля) и Шри Kalahasti (ветер), соответственно. Шива, как говорят, проявил себя в виде колонны огня, чья корона и ноги, Брахма и Вишну безуспешно пытались достичь конца этого огненного столба. Он посвящен arunachaleswarar (Бог Шива, почитаемых как Агни Лингам (лингам of fire) и Его божественная супруга - unnamalai Аммане.

 "When you become the Rudra, the Rudra becomes you; then He starts chanting and you stop chanting. You have to identify yourself with the Lord when you are offering the prayers to Him. If you feel the Lord and you are separate then your effort is determined by your praptam. You have to become the Lord and then offer the prayer to Yourself!"
- Swami


The Yagnas are an annual affair in Puttaparthi. Swami would give great importance to these homa rituals. He was particular in wanting everyone to attend these yagnas. Swami said that it doesnt matter if you chant and do not understand the meaning of the mantras. It does not matter that you do not understand the rituals. It does not even matter if you do not know any mantras at all. Just come and be a part of the sacred ceremony and it is enough for Me to use the opportunity to bless you and help you. Even if you feel tired and sleepy, sleep in the hall itself, but be present here.

Swami once told His close devotee that this Yagna (the Ati Rudra Maha Yagna) is the greatest form of worship to Lord Shiva and Shiva Shakti are ever present where such a yagna is taking place.

The Rudram being the most potent force to bring world peace, this is a great opportunity to serve by giving our time and attention to this endeavor.

For some it may not be possible to physically attend the Yagna,.. such devotees can mentally be present by attuning to the Yagna and making their own spiritual efforts in similar spirit.

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