четверг, 6 февраля 2014 г.

Bombay Srinivasan
The Lord is Lakshmipathi

We call the God as “Lakshmi pathi”. He posses Goddess Lakshmi.. He is the owner of the wealth in the creation. He creates and preserves it, and also distribute it to the deserving individuals. The people who receive such wealth enjoy the same at the pleasure of the giver, the Lord. The one who forgets this truth get engulfed in ego, and without being aware of it, he misses the goal of his life, and also loses peace in their minds.

It is a natural phenomenon that real devotees understand the truth, without anybody telling them. We believe that whatever we have in our possession is the gift of God, and we are enjoying it with the Grace of God. So the devotees offer the same resources back to the Lord, if not fully, at least a portion of it. “Pathram, Pushpam, Phalam, Thoyam”, everything is the gift the Lord. We offer to the Lord, the same flower which God has created.

Likewise, all the wealth including precious things like Gold, silver etc. are the creation of the Lord, and so he is the owner of all these resources. The meritorious devotees, out of their strong devotion, offers these precious materials too, at the Lotus feet of Bhagavan. The feeling is, “Suvarna Pushpam samarpayaami,’ I am offering the Flower of gold. God is not asking for it. But the devotees, out of their Love and devotion, force the Lord to accept it.

I am writing these lines, to put across the devotees, telling them not to feel guilty, or nervous on reports of treasure being found in Bhagavan’s premises. Swami had not gone to any jewellary shops to buy them. He had not acquired anything illegally. Everything was offered to Lord, and Swami had only kept them in his safe custody. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, even otherwise, everything belongs to Him. Swami had not used any of these materials for his personal benefits.

The following events narrated earlier, will prove this. Swami karunyananda was seen stitching the Robe of Bhagavan, since swami did not have a spare Robe for wearing the next day! Swami throws away plentiful of gold coins, offered to Him, on the heads of devotees sitting for darshan! Swami eats only the food brought by some devotees.

Swami had undertaken a massive project of water supply systems in Ananthapur District. It seems, there was a huge resources crunch. Swami had mortgaged all the immovable assets of Prashanthi Nilayam, and Whitefield, and availed loans from a nationalized bank. Many devotees came to know of this information, and wished to be a part of this noble gigantic project. During a Birthday celebrations in Hill view Stadium, Devotees were seen offering in public plenty of gold ornaments which Swami refused to carry back to Prashanthi Nilayam, and instead directed to be auctioned, then and there!

Here I wish to share another important information. A devotee from Japan, an Indian origin, bid the auction for an enormous value, and made payment too. But in the end, he refused to take the ornaments, and left it back to our Lord. This is an example of true devotion. Likewise there could be many stories of great sacrifices of offering which had not come to light. Otherwise, please think over as to from where all these materials would have come?

Dear devotees, please do not think on the lines of media hype, and allow our minds and faith withers away. This is the time, we have to assert our faith and full devotion towards our Lord. We have also to play our part. Convey these messages to all devotees, and help them to build their faith. This is the time we devotees should hold hands together and face the world without any inferiority complex.

We should prove to the world that we are Sai devotees!!!!

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