Sri Sai Padha Pooja
Please read this message after viewing the Sai Video – Sri. Srinivasan Raghavan speaks, which is posted today, separately.
The link:
In this Photograph, you are finding our Bhagavan Baba as a teenage boy, allowing a devotee to perform Pooja at his Lotus Feet. From the days of swami’s boyhood in the Old Mandiram, and subsequently in the Prashanthi Mandiram, Swami used to allow devotees to perform Pooja at His Lotus Feet. Fortunate are those devotees, who recognized Baba as God in the early years, and obtained Divine sanction to perform Pooja at Sai Padham.
Sri Srinivasa Raghavan, an old devotee, is explaining the situation when He performed Padha Pooja, He says that Swami was still in His teens, and how Swami showered His blessings on him, and showered so much of Bliss out of the Pooja.
On the same day, when Sri Srinivasa Raghavan was to perform Pooja, another rich devotee was also scheduled to perform Pooja. The rich man had cornered all the Pooja materials including Flowers, and nothing was left for Srinivasa Raghavan, for Pooja Purposes.
Swami consoles Sri Raghavan and encourages him to perform a simple Pooja, which drew more grace to the family. The Pooja performed by that rich man was a short time affair, but Swami spent more time in the simple Pooja performed by Sri Raghavan, giving the family immense joy..
Even in that tender age, Bhagavan explained that Swami looks only at the devotion of the devotee, rather than the pomp and show from the people with much resources.
Please listen to the narration by Sri Srinivasa Raghavan, himself, in this video interview.
The link:
In this Photograph, you are finding our Bhagavan Baba as a teenage boy, allowing a devotee to perform Pooja at his Lotus Feet. From the days of swami’s boyhood in the Old Mandiram, and subsequently in the Prashanthi Mandiram, Swami used to allow devotees to perform Pooja at His Lotus Feet. Fortunate are those devotees, who recognized Baba as God in the early years, and obtained Divine sanction to perform Pooja at Sai Padham.
Sri Srinivasa Raghavan, an old devotee, is explaining the situation when He performed Padha Pooja, He says that Swami was still in His teens, and how Swami showered His blessings on him, and showered so much of Bliss out of the Pooja.
On the same day, when Sri Srinivasa Raghavan was to perform Pooja, another rich devotee was also scheduled to perform Pooja. The rich man had cornered all the Pooja materials including Flowers, and nothing was left for Srinivasa Raghavan, for Pooja Purposes.
Swami consoles Sri Raghavan and encourages him to perform a simple Pooja, which drew more grace to the family. The Pooja performed by that rich man was a short time affair, but Swami spent more time in the simple Pooja performed by Sri Raghavan, giving the family immense joy..
Even in that tender age, Bhagavan explained that Swami looks only at the devotion of the devotee, rather than the pomp and show from the people with much resources.
Please listen to the narration by Sri Srinivasa Raghavan, himself, in this video interview.
Пожалуйста, читайте это сообщение после просмотра Саи Видео - Шри Шринивасан Рагхаван поместил его отдельно
преданный проводят пуджу у Его Лотосных стоп. В те золотые дни детства
Свами в Старом мандире, а впоследствии и в Прашанти Мандире Он обычно
позволял преданным проводить Пада пуджу - поклонение Его Лотосным
стопам. Счастливы те Его преданные, которые смогли распознать Господа в
ранние годы и получить Божнественное разрешение на Саи Падам.
Шри Шривасан Рагхаван старый преданный Свами рассказывает о проведении Пада пуджи. Он говорит что Свами был еще совсем подростком и как Он осыпал его благословениями и сколько он получил блаженства от пуджи.
В тот день когда Шри Шринивасан Рагхаван должен был провести пуджу, один богатый преданный также планировал провести пуджу. Богатый человек приготовил все необходимое для пуджи в том числе и цветы и не оставил ничего для Шри Шринивасана Рагхавана, что он мог предложить для пуджи.
Свами призвал Шри Шринивасан и велел провести совсем простую пуджу, которая могла принести большое благословение его семье. На пудже которую проводил богач Баба пробыл короткое время и все время оставался на простой пудже, которую проводил Шри Шринивасан Рагхаван, дарую огромную радость его семье.
Даже будучи в таком нежном возрасте, Свами говорил, что Его трогает только преданность, а не помпезность и шоу богатых людей, имеющих много средств.
Пожалуйста, прослушайте сами это интервью Шри Шринивасана Рагхавана, где он повествует об этом
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