Сатья Саи Баба впервые упомянул о Према Саи 6 июля 1963 года в выступлении «Шива Шакти», рассказывая о беседе между Шивой, Шакти и мудрецом Бхарадваджа. После того, как Бхарадваджа выполнил ритуал, Шива сказал ему, что Он и Его супруга примут человеческую форму и родятся в роду Бхарадваджа трижды: Шива как Ширди Саи, Шива и Шакти вместе в Путтапарти как Сатья Саи, и затем одна Шакти как Према Саи.
(Гуру Пурнима, 6 июля 1963 - http://scriptures.ru/ 630700.htm;
http://www.sathyasai.ru/ forum/topic/437?p=96918)
The first mention of Prema Sai by Sathya Sai Baba appears to be in the discourse Shiva Shakthi, 6 July 1963, In a conversation between Shiva, Shakthi, and Bharadwaja after Bharadwaja performed a ritual, Shiva said that
they would take human form and be born in the Bharadwaja lineage, thrice: Shiva alone as Shirdi Sai Baba, Shiva and Shakthi together at Puttaparthy as Sathya Sai Baba, and Shakthi alone as Prema Sai, later.
(http://www.sathyasai.org/ intro/premasai.htm)
(Гуру Пурнима, 6 июля 1963 - http://scriptures.ru/
The first mention of Prema Sai by Sathya Sai Baba appears to be in the discourse Shiva Shakthi, 6 July 1963, In a conversation between Shiva, Shakthi, and Bharadwaja after Bharadwaja performed a ritual, Shiva said that
they would take human form and be born in the Bharadwaja lineage, thrice: Shiva alone as Shirdi Sai Baba, Shiva and Shakthi together at Puttaparthy as Sathya Sai Baba, and Shakthi alone as Prema Sai, later.
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